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Agilent Technologies
The Infinity II series LC systems are benchtop HPLC and UPLC configurable systems for laboratory ana...
Agilent Technologies
The 6495C triple quadrupole LC/MS system is the highest performance LC/TQ available from Agilent, an...
Agilent Technologies
The 6545 is a mid-range Q-TOF for untargeted sample analysis. The 6546 contains the highest resoluti...
The ACQUITY Arc MDLC system offers multi-dimensional HPLC separation. It is set up to take a heart ...
The ACQUITY UPLC M Class System is a benchtop LC/MS system using column sizes from 0.075 to 1.0 mm. ...
Incorporates a variable repetition rate 50Hz N2 laser and software tools for data processing and rep...
Detact Diagnostics
The DeNIRO NIR fluorometer is a handheld instrument designed for measuring bacterial and enzymatic a...
Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization -TOF-TOF High resolution mass spectrometry. High mass a...
The MT Explorer 100 has an API and is capable of performing MS/MS analyses. The system is designed t...
The MT Explorer 50 (MT50) is a portable, field deployable 3-D ion trap mass spectrometer, developed ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
The Orbitrap Exploris Mass Spectrometer is a High-resolution accurate-mass quadrupole MS. It uses ...
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
The Orbitrap IQ-X Tribrid MS combines features from quadrupole, linear ion trap and Orbitrap technol...
Agilent Technologies
The Agilent RapidFire 400 is an integrated autosampler for sample cleanup based on automated solid p...
Agilent Technologies
The single quadrupole LC/MSD system combines mass-selective detection basic for pharmaceutical analy...
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
The TSQ Altis Triple quadrupole has a QR5 segmented quadrupole mass filter with hyperbolic surfaces....
Agilent Technologies
Ultivo is a compact, stackable triple quadrupole LC/MS/MS that incorporates the MS into the HPLC sta...