Home > Chemical > Application > Laboratory Analysis > Microscopy > Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM)

Polarized light microscopy is a non-destructive technique which uses plane-polarized visible light to interrogate samples. The morphological character of a sample may be obtained by PLM as well as information about homogeneity, crystal structure, origin (natural versus synthetic). Additionally, with the addition of components such as hot stages and index matching oils, the refractive index of materials may also be determined by PLM.

While most broadly used in the fields of geology and materials science, PLM can also be applied to forensic, pharmaceutical, and biological samples as well. The combination of information obtained from PLM alone can often be used to identify unknown materials.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH (1)
Meiji Techno Co. (2)
Nikon Instruments, Inc. (3)
Benchtop/Fixed (6)
Commercially Available (6)
Unit Cost
N/A (6)
Sample Introduction
Solid (6)
Sensitivity / Detection Limit
µg (6)

Additional Filter Options

Product Type

Instrument (6)


9 (6)


<30 Lbs. (3)
<50 Lbs. (2)
>50 Lbs. (1)

Power Requirement

AC/DC Line Power (5)

Training Required

>1 week (6)


No (6)

Response Time

Continuous (<30 seconds) (6)

Supporting Data Available

None (6)


None (6)

Shelf Life

>5 years (1)

Consumables Required

<$1,000/year (6)
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