X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a
technique in which a crystalline sample is exposed to X-ray radiation to
determine its composition. The sample
diffracts X-rays into a pattern which is unique to each crystalline substance. The diffracted X-rays are collected by
scintillations counters, semiconductor (solid-state) detectors, charge coupled
devices (CCD), or other detectors. The characteristic patterns acquired are
then matched to diffraction pattern libraries for compound identification. XRD is a technique capable of providing
both qualitative and quantitative information about the crystalline compounds
in a sample. X-ray diffraction is widely used
for elemental, chemical, and structural analysis. It has found wide use in the fields of
geochemistry, forensic science, pharmaceuticals, and archaeology. XRD instruments are
available in both bench top and field-portable models. It is a mature technique with commercial
instruments available from a number of manufacturers.