AISense Gamma 4

The AISense Gamma 4 is a handheld real-time instrument that provides the direction vector towards a gamma-ray source in real time, within the entire solid angle of possible directions and a lower radiation dose is received by the personnel. Additionally, the device is able to acquire gamma-ray energy spectral information and use it for subsequent radionuclide identification (Nuclide ID). The device detects the presence of neutrons as well. Three (3) versions of the Gamma 4 are available.

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Availability: Commercially Available
+386 4134 2096
Pecice 8
SI-3257 Podsreda
AISense d.o.o.
Product Name
AISense Gamma 4
Detection Category
Detection Principle
Scintillation Detectors;
Detection Method
Scintillation Detectors;
Personal Radiation Detectors;Identifiers;
Product Model Number
AISense Gamma 4
Equipment Type
Product Synopsis
The AISense Gamma 4 is a handheld real-time instrument that provides the direction vector towards a gamma-ray source in real time, within the entire solid angle of possible directions and a lower radiation dose is received by the personnel. Additionally, the device is able to acquire gamma-ray energy spectral information and use it for subsequent radionuclide identification (Nuclide ID). The device detects the presence of neutrons as well. Three (3) versions of the Gamma 4 are available.
Commercially Available
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
User Feedback Sources
Indifferent/No user feedback
Supporting Documentation
Docs: AISense_Gamma_4_military_light.pdf;
6.4 x 5.1 x 5.8 in. (16.3 x 13 x 14.7 cm)
<5 Lbs.; 2200 g
Power Requirements
Lithium Battery; rechargeable >4 hours
Extreme Temperatures/Humidity
Operating Conditions
-20 to 50°C (-4 to 131°F); up to and including condensing humidity
Calibration Schedule
Recommended 5 year factory maintenance
Available Accessories
Available options of neutron detection with different detection materials; A dedicated military version is being developed to comply with demanding NATO standards.
Data Analysis Support Equipment
Dedicated Android™ application “AISense Connect” included – enabling data interpretation and full device control
Communications Interface
Wired serial, and Bluetooth (with disable option)
Shelf Life
<5 years
Unit Cost
$22,000 - $57,000 (sold in Euros and does not include VAT/tax)
Radiological Targets
Gamma and neutron
Sample Introduction
Radioactive Particle
Sensitivity/Detection Limits
Gy; Dose Rate / Accuracy (Cs-137): 0.08 µGy/h – 2 mGy/h: ±20%
Start Up Time (From Cold Start To Sample Ready)
Immediate angular detection, nuclide ID from seconds to minutes
Response Time (Sample Application To Output)
Continuous (<30 seconds); <5 seconds
Total Run Time
Alarm Capability
Bluetooth® stereo sound transmission to dedicated headphones
Software Control
Remote; Dedicated Android™ application “AISense Connect” included – enabling data interpretation and full device control
Other Operational Parameters
Energy Range for Angular Sensitivity: 40 keV - 10 MeV; Measurement range: 30 keV – 2.8MeV; Typical Resolution: 7 % FWHM at 662 keV; 4096 channels 0 - 2.8 MeV
Training Required
<1 day training
Training Available
Yes via internet
Manuals Available
Yes via internet
1 year default warranty
Approved Vendors
IB3 Global solutions; Arctur d.o.o.; DPD Service Srl; Nushka Sensors & Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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